Hi, I'm Luis Keny

Full Stack Developer

Specialist in software development, creating modern and attractive websites that meet the user's needs.


  1. Frontend Developer


    I am part of the IT team and actively participate in the resolution of code issues and in the modernization of projects assigned to me, collaborating in the integration of new technologies and processes that optimize the flexibility and maintenance of applications.

    • Vue.js
    • Html
    • Css
    • Javascript
    • Git
    • GitLab
    • Oracle
    Learn more


AdrLuceros - landing page

AdrLuceros - landing page

  • Angular
  • Git
  • Typescript
  • Css
  • Html

Informative website of the benefits and services offered by AdrLuceros Transportation Company. It is made with Server Side Rendering for a smooth routing for the user.

Play Run JS

Play Run JS

  • Html
  • Css
  • Tailwind
  • Vanilla
  • Git

The project executes JavaScript code and displays the console.log on the web. Also, the code that is written is passed in the URL using Base64, which makes it easy to share.

Amazon refuge - landing page

Amazon refuge - landing page

  • Git
  • Html
  • Css
  • Javascript

Website showcasing the benefits and services of the Amazon refuge business, available in both English and Spanish for broader accessibility. It also includes PHP integration with PHPMailer for email functionality.


I am Luis Keny, passionate about programming and software development. Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to develop multiple web applications, which has allowed me to immerse myself in real technological solutions.

I enjoy programming because it allows me to break down complex problems in a more granular way and find effective solutions. In addition, I enjoy a good cup of coffee while I work, which helps me stay focused and motivated.

I am excited to continue my professional journey and contribute to the technology community.